
Certified Estate Specialists

Navigating the probate process can be time-consuming and complex, requiring expertise beyond that of a typical real estate sale. Engaging the services of a knowledgeable probate realtor is crucial in effectively handling the intricacies involved and maximizing the sale of the property. As Certified Probate Specialists, we possess a deep understanding of the unique challenges and sensitive matters surrounding estates. With our support, you can rest assured that we will equip you with the necessary resources and expertise to facilitate a seamless closing, guiding you every step of the way, from the initial stages to the final transaction. Trust us to navigate the complexities of probate with diligence and professionalism, ensuring a successful outcome.

Why choose us

Save Time
We will answer many of your questions up front, walking you through the entire probate process. By walking you through the process and our services, we intend to alleviate any uncertainty and instill a sense of confidence in the process.
Save Money
The probate process can be more expensive without the right people involved. Our partners understand the process and prioritize to get the job done efficiently. We also have a group of vendors that are licensed and insured. These vendors can perform any repairs or improvements found necessary to optimize the sale of the property.
Help When Needed
Our dedicated team is here to help whenever you need it. We are confident that you will find our level of communication exceeds expectations, in a respectful manner. We manage all parties involved, provide timely updates, and make sure you have the information you need to make optimal decisions.
Being tasked as the Personal Representative of an estate can be a daunting task. There are several terms that when first mentioned may sound like a distant language. We will be here to help guide you step-by-step. From our first call to the closing of the estate, we will be there for you as a trusted resource.

Your Questions, Answered.

Probate is a court-administered process of distributing a deceased person’s (decedent’s) estate/assets according to their will if one exists or, if there is no will, to the person’s immediate  spouse/children/siblings/relatives.

Some years ago, a client was referred to us after she had been appointed Executor of her late father's estate, which included two homes. Having never been tasked with a probate sale, we moved rapidly to educate ourselves on the process and the steps involved in order to best assist her. As a result of this experience we learned two elemental truths. The first being that this process is inherently frustrating and often brings about headache and heartache. Our focus was to make sure we did everything in our power to alleviate stress and provide impeccable client care. The second is that as real estate professionals we can only do so much. In order to extend our client care into the entire process, we needed to form a team of law and tax experts familiar with probate. We now have a team of strategic partners who have proven their ability to overcome any challenge.


After a number of successful probate cases and once we felt confident in our team, we began reaching out to those in a similar situation as our first client. So what began as one probate sale, has now brought years of experience in selling estate property. You can be assured that we can handle your estate with the utmost care and compassion.

An Executor (Executrix if a female) is the person who is named in the Will to take charge of an estate. An Administrator is the person in charge of the estate when someone dies without a Last Will and Testament. Both the Administrator and Executor are subject to the jurisdiction of the Probate Court. The most significant difference between an Executor and an Administrator is that an Administrator’s authority is limited to what the law provides in the statutes. The Executor has all the same legal authority PLUS additional powers that may be granted in the Last Will and Testament.

If an Administrator is appointed with limited authority, court supervision is required to sell, exchange or grant an option to purchase the estate’s real property. Prob. C.§10501(b). An Administrator appointed with full authority may elect to have the sale confirmed by the Court, but is not required to do so.

The Probate process generally takes approximately nine to twelve months to complete. Probate is the only way to transfer real property from the deceased person to the heirs in the event that no trust was set up prior to the decedent’s death.

A decedent’s will may designate the manner in which estate real property is to be sold or identify the particular property to be sold. Absent a court order based upon the best interests of the interested parties to the contrary, the personal representative shall comply with the decedent’s instructions. If the will is silent on these matters or there is no will, the personal representative may select the method of sale and the particular property to be sold. Estate real property may be sold by private sale, public auction, or a different method specified in the will of the decedent (Cal. Prob. Code §§ 10000.3, 10303).

Without full authority under the Independent Administration of Estates Act (IAEA), the minimum offer price for a private sale of real property must be at least 90 percent of the appraised value of the property (Cal. Prob. Code § 10309(a)(3)). If the Personal Representative has full authority then the estate does not have to sell the house for the required 90% minimum of the value.

Work With Us

A client-first mindset and an emphasis on authenticity, not only tends to those looking for something different out of the real estate industry, but has a way of producing extraordinary results for everyone involved.